Artist Spotlight: Lauren Echo


Can you tell me a little bit about your journey to becoming an artist?

 Like most artists, I’ve been making art ever since I was little. From dance to pottery, I was always creating. I didn’t decide to monetize my work until 2019 after I created some stickers and all of my old coworkers wanted one. After that I kept sharing my art, created a website, and started reaching out to different companies hoping they would work with me. Fast forward three years and I was fortunate enough to go full time with my art and currently have no plans of stopping!

What influences your work?

Nature is by far the biggest inspiration for me. Growing up I was taught that nature and movement were safe places. They allowed me an outlet when I frustrated or sad. My art directly reflects my relationship with nature and I hope to inspire others to go outside with my work.

What was your inspiration behind each patch?

Each of my patches is trying to convey the feeling of place they are illustrated after. I tried my best to choose landmarks from each place that are easy to recognize and resonate with a general audience. Color also plays a huge role in my art, so I spent a lot of time selecting which colors work well with the place!

What is your favorite charity/grassroots org to support?

Leave No Trace has been a big organization that’s on my mind recently. This summer I’ve seen more and more people ignore LNT principles and it’s something that we all need to keep in mind as our Earth changes at a rapid rate.


Check out more of Lauren's work.


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